MorningStar at Arcadia Offers Services to Meet Your Every Need
Phoenix assisted living at MorningStar at Arcadia is just the place for those who require a little assistance with their daily personal care and wish to live in a community with a home-like atmosphere. You will find a wealth of amenities such as delicious, nutritional meals as well as an on-site bistro, theatre, library (including a computer), salon, general store and much more. Every day our residents are treated to a choice of daily activities that include outings, games, arts and crafts, social hours, movie nights, and a variety of physical activities to name but a few.
In addition, we provide a wide range of professional clinical services to meet your health needs like having a full-time licensed nurse on staff and 24-hour Care Managers. Each shift also has a CPR trained staff member. We have Certified Med Care Managers and each resident has their care plan reviewed periodically as well as scheduled health and wellness evaluations.
The MorningStar community offers the convenience of pharmacy services and onsite dental and podiatry services. Furthermore, we partner with home health agencies to provide our residents with nursing, therapy, and social work services if needed. As a resident, you will have a choice of physicians and receive scheduled visits. We also provide diabetic management, oxygen administration, and catheter and colostomy care as well as palliative and hospice care and much more.
All of our resident-centered clinical assistance is done through the full authority of our license from the Department of Health with the goal of providing each resident with a higher quality of care at a lower cost. Please visit our website for more information about the extensive services provided to MorningStar residents.
MorningStar at Arcadia represents the best in Phoenix assisted living with a unique mission statement “to honor, to serve, to invest.” We have built our foundation on honoring God, valuing all seniors and selecting staff with a felt calling to serve…all of which contributes to creating a true home for residents amid a beautiful, serene setting. Call to schedule a visit to our exceptional community.